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Scrape data from an external website
Number Name Default Type Description
1 url String

URL of Website to get data from.

Leave this empty when repeating the request with a different tag or tag number.

2 tag html String The element to retrieve.
This can be "#elem_id" to reference by id or ".class" to reference by class or "tag" to access by tag name.
You can also just state "json" if you are expecting json data back from the URL.
xPaths are also a accepted but must start with a forward slash (/). See https://devhints.io/xpath as a guide to using xPaths
3 tag_num 1 Integer

Element Number.
Use 1 for the 1st, 2 for the 2nd or -1 for the last, -2 for the 2nd to last etc.

- postdata String Data to send as a POST request.
If this is not used then a GET request will be made using the URL alone
- cookies String Cookie String to send
- customrequest String Custom Request to send
- httpheader String HTTP header to send
- timeout 5 Integer Timeout
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