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Add a List to the Page
Number Name Default Type Description
1 root COID Integer Root Object ID.
Defaults to the Current Object ID
2 rel_id 0 Integer ID of the Relationship from the root object to the items to be displayed in the list
3 list_id 0 Integer ID of the list of objects to be displayed
4 query String Query, Use @#:id to reference a query stored on the database.
You can enter multiple references to Queries here by separating them with the Query Display Name in Square Brackets
e.g. "@#:1234[By Name]@#:5678[By Age]". You can also set responsive query names with the pipe character e.g. [Mon.|Monday]
Use the ^XS option in the {LIST_NAV()} command to provide the user with Query Selection Buttons
5 temp_id 0 String List Template ID
You can enter multiple Template IDs here by separating them with the Template Display Name in Square Brackets
e.g. "@#:1234[Standard]@#:[With Address]"
Use the ^TS option in the {LIST_NAV()} command to provide the user with Template Selection Buttons
6 disp_opt 7 Integer

Display Options:
1 - Header
2 - Show Image Title
4 - Nav on Top
8 = Nav on Bottom
16 = No link on first column
32 = No Delete Options
64 = No Edit options
128 = Input Form
256 = Excel

7 page_size 20 Integer The starting page size.
If there are buttons in the list navigation that allow the user to change the page size then they will override this number and that value will be used the next time the user visits the list. If you want to force the starting page size to be a certain value then enter a negative value here. e.g. -100
- columns String Columns (Comma separated Relationship_IDs)
- div_id String The HTML ID to use for the List
- ap1-4 String Additional Parameters (1-4)
- col_qty 1 Integer The number of columns to display
- add_relobj String

Data List of, or single Object Relationship sets to be applied when the new button is used.

- cont_class String The class to add to the surrounding div element
- query_num 1 Integer The Query number to default to when using Multiple Queries in parameter 4
- temp_num 1 Integer The Template number to default to when using Multiple Templates in parameter 5
Vanilla Vanilla Description Text
Strawberry Strawberry Description Text
Chocolate Chocolate Description Text
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