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All Commands All Program Flow



^ Power
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulo
+ Addition
- Subtraction
& String concatinator
= Is equal to
<> Is not equal to
< Is less than
> Is greater than
<= Is less than or equal to
>= Is greater then or equal to
$ Contains
!$ Does not contain
NOT ! NOT (case insensitive)
AND AND (case insensitive)
OR OR (case insensitive)
XOR Exclusive OR (case insensitive)

Evaluation order

Evaluations are performed in the following order (operators on the same line hold equal precedence),

  • ^
  • * /
  • %
  • + -
  • &
  • = <> != < > <= >= $ !$
  • NOT !

Controlling operation order

Parenthesis can be used to control operation order e.g. 3 * (2 + 1)

Default order of operation is left to right.

This command requires an END_IF command.

Number Name Default Type Description
1 condition String The condition expression that should evaluate to true or false.
2 is greater than 1
You can also use the EMPTY Command to check if an object is equal to "" ( - 05/01/2021)
<a href="https://www.ultimatedb.net/page_1371">EMPTY COMMAND</a>
to add a Comment.