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All Email
Add an email button to the page
Number | Name | Default | Type | Description |
1 | obj_id | 0 | Integer | ID of object to email |
2 | sub_temp | 0 | Integer | The template ID to use for the email |
3 | recipient | String | Recipent ID, email address, List of Email Addresses or Query pointing to receipents | |
4 | text | fa-envelope | String | Text to display on button |
5 | class | btn btn-primary noprint | String | Button Class |
6 | title | Send Email | String | Button Title |
7 | from | 0 | Integer | ID of user sending the email |
- | subject | String | Email Subject | |
- | domain | 0 | Integer | Domain to send from |
- | pdf_obj_id | 0 | Integer | An object ID to be attached to the email as a PDF. |
- | pdf_tmp_id | 0 | Integer | A template ID to use when generating a PDF for attachment. |