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Prepares for use of an API service

For example, 

{API_SETUP(API, https://api.example.com, {"username": "USER", "password": "SECRET"}, POST, JSON)}
Number Name Default Type Description
1 api_alias String The alias to use to reference this API service
2 url String The URL to send requests to.
3 params String

Parameters to send with every call. For example, a username and password.

Submitted as a JSON object, 

{"username": "USER", "password": "SECRET"}
4 method GET String The http request method, GET or POST. Case insensitive.
5 response String

The format of the response, JSON, XML, XML_ATTR or TEXT. Case insensitive.

XML_ATTR should be used when the XML contains attributes that need to be accessed. The attributes value can be referenced using an @ followed by the attribute name e.g. @href. The tag content can then be accessed using the $ symbol.

to add a Comment.